Chapter Secrets – Chapter 962 in-depth analysis

Many apologies for this Chapter Secrets being so late, but I’ve been fighting a pretty nasty fever over the past few days so it was hard to sit down and work on this. Thank you for waiting, enjoy the chapter!

One Piece Chapter 962 1One Piece Chapter 962 2One Piece Chapter 962 3One Piece Chapter 962 4One Piece Chapter 962 5





  1. I hope you get better soon… Rest as much as you need to

    I loved your analysis. I noticed the bit about Izou, discount Wario being evil from the very beginning doesn’t surprise me lol and I was actually expecting something else on the 5th mysterious figure, but I understand there isn’t much for us to theorize

    Overall, you did a great job! Now you can focus on recovering

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Totally agree about the logbook, definitely think it will vindicate his reign, back up their story and help them expose orochis corruption


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