Complete list of every single of the 600+ characters on this chapter’s cover!

Hey there, I’m OharaLibrarianArtur, the guy who does Chapter Secrets. A normal One Piece reader would limit themselves to look at this week’s cover and say “nice cover”. An avid One Piece reader would go through the images and start recognizing characters. And then you got the people like me, who will go out of their way to name all characters. Is this pointless? Yes. Will anyone read it all? Probably not. But am I gonna do it anyways? Hell yeah.

Note: I didn’t count a couple of the characters that are either covered by Luffy or cropped out of the picture to the point of being too hard to recognize. Otherwise, I’ve included every single one of them. Also, didn’t do a doublecheck (my brain’s fried for crying out loud), so it’s possible I might’ve done a typo or a small mistake. Finally, a few of these characters have never been given an official name by Oda (for example, the Gorosei), so keep that in mind.

There are 696 total character squares on this board, though I imagine that some behind Luffy are probably completely empty, so over 600 makes sense.

Anyways, you ready? Let’s go!

One of the Gorosei, Ibusu, Coribou, Kyuin, Marimo, Corgi, Epoida, Gloriosa, Saint Jalmack, Blackback, Scotch, Dagama, Diamante, Tyrannosaurus, Haredas, Hikoichi, Randolph, Haruta, Hammond, Chocolat, Nitro, Penguin, Rampo, Yama, Smoothie, Pickles, Buchi, Agyo, Yurikah, Kanjuro, Saint Shalulia, Inhel, Kadar, Killer, Kyros, Mr. 11, Pagaya, One of the Gorosei, Kureha, Shakuyaku, Doctor Tsukimi, Tashigi, Barrels, Donovan, Cobra, Homing, Olivia, Robin, Masira, Magellan, Perona, Flapper, One-poko (Milo), Yorki, Rindo, Den, Mr. 4, Roddy, Elmy, Nako, Violet, Gyro, Kyros (toy form), One of the Gorosei, Enishida, Oimo, Moriah, Jango, Sachi, Spandam, Tanaka, Decalvan Brothers, Domino, Rosinante, Turco, Baccarat, Robin (again), Bizarre, Braham, Sandersonia, Shyarly, Mousse, Yosaku, Brûlée, Kid, Blamenco, Beckman, Russian, One of the Gorosei, Wicca, Cabaji, Pudding, Galdino (Mr.3), Nami, Kentauros, Shu, Jack, Strawberry, Tamago, Jango, Tom, Tonjit, Nora Gitsune, Neptune, Hajrudin, Bartolomeo, Vista, Praline, Hancock, Run, Megalo, Raise Max, Leo, Aphelandra, Miss Father’s Day, Ichiji, Octopako, Ankoro, Vito, Kabu, Dorry, Caesar, Nami (again), Daz Bones (Mr. 1), Unnamed Shandia Chief, Jean Ango, Choper, Bentham (Mr. 2 Bon Clay), Lamy, Buggy, Vivi, Nero, Saulo, Doflamingo, Linlin, Hody, Marigold, McKinley, Meadows, Lao G, Rebecca, Absalom, Mukasshimi Tower, Moscato, Brannew, Mr. 9, Ucy, Gaburu, Kin’emon, Konbu, Mr. 5, Onigumo, Unnamed Bounty Hunter, Jozu, Shanks, Chopper (again), Daisy, Law, Nojiko, Scissors, Banchina, Hiluluk, Franky, Eyelashes, Mohji, Laki, Judge, Aremo Ganmi, Yasopp, Hoe, Biarete, Robson, Woop Slap, Bege, Kuzan, Sarfunkel, Mr. 7, Kashi, Comil, John Giant, Bonney, Splash, Tararan, Smooge, Merry, Kuma, Vander Decken IX, Hina, Franky (again), I think that guy from gold but honestly the movie was so forgettable and non-canon I can’t be bothered, Moda, Unnamed Pirate Captain, Lola, One of the Isshi-100, Yamakaji, Namur, Pudding-Pudding, Arlong, Vergo, more non-canon trash, Gladius, Sai, T-Bone, Cowboy, Hotori/Kotori, Sweet Pea, Jean Bart, Splatter, Daruma, Duval ;), One of the Isshi-100, Hannyabal, Napoleon, Blue Gilly, Holy, Machvise, Moh-moo, Lucci, Rolling Logan, Kaku, Yokozuma (this was a tough one!), Rockstar, Mont D’Or, Uzu, Iceburg, Raizo, Grabar, Sunny, Aisa, Devon, Coby (he looks pretty derpy here), Squard, Sugar, Smiley, Doberman, Delacuaji, Hamburg, Hyouzou, Bluejam, Rouge, Mummy, Kiwi, Lacroix, Roshio, Kappa, Lucky Roo, Pound, Saldeath, Islewan, Minister of the Right, Kaya, Kuurobi, Sakazuki, Ain, The Galant Hippo, Senor Pink, Cherry, Chouchou, Smoker, Taroimo, Ace, Tesoro, Fen Bock, Cricket, Terracotta, Marco, Mocha, Surume, Saint Roswald, Gaburu’s Grandma, Anglais, Doberman, Andre, Acilia, Usopp, Crocus, Minister of the Left, Atmos, Capote, Kong, Sicilian, Shura, Suleiman, Tank Lepanto, Titi, Hildon, Fullbody, Hotori/Kotori, Mansherry, Motobaro, Lafitte, Rock, Kalifa, Kumadori, Nika, Gonbe, Sengoku’s pet gorilla, Usopp (again), Carue, Sadie, Pisarro, Calgara, Attach, Spandine, Mihawk, Zephyr, Tansui, Blenheim, Bobby Funk, Manboshi, Monet, Helmeppo, Laboon, Kiev, Époni, Nezumi, Biyo, Abdullah, Uhoricia, Carne, Keimi, Sabo, Amazon, Carina, Sarquiss, Speed Jiru, Don Chinjao, Chess, Pandaman, “Princess”, Broggy, Binz, Borsalino (Kizaru), Miss Goldenweek, Momonga, Ran, Brook, Niji, Anana, Karma, Aladine, Urouge :D, Gan Fall, Kelly Funk, Nantokanette, Amadob, Oars, Reiju, Scarlet, Shoujou, Seto, Chimney, Bian, Farul, Blondie, Porchemy, Paula (Miss DoubleFinger, The Forest Boss, Ramba, Brook (again), Rakuyo, Apoo, Thatch, Ally, Esta, Gancho, Gen, Alvida, Izo, Gin #gincomingbackbois, Salome, Spacey, Jora, Zeo, Fisher Tiger, Funkfreed, Pekoms, Porche, Bakkin, Garp, Drake, Miss Merry Christmas, Jabra, A.O., Chesskippa, Gloriosa (a second time!), One of the Gorosei, Whitebeard, Gambia, Koala, Burgess, Isshily, Kingdew, Zambai, Spoil, Johnny, Zeff, Issho (Fujitora), Stelly, Pica, Pedro, Whitey Bay, Miss Valentine, Dragon, Rika, Ryôma, Yonji, Amande, Tsuru, Kop, One of the Isshi-100, Weevil, Mozu, Koshirou, Sanji, Kuina, Sanjuan Wolf, Scotch, Shirahoshi, Sengoku, Jackal, Boo, Baby 5, Bomba, Hawkins, Monjil, Riku Dold III, Ronse, Schollzo, Demaro Black, Pez, Tamanegi, Igaram, Elizabello II, Gimlett, Conis, Sanji (again), Kumashi, Gina, Enel, Shilliew, Sentomaru, Brownbeard, Vasco Shot, Noland, Boodle, Bepo, Margaret, Miss Monday, Monda, Fat Risky Brother, Wany, Nekomamushi, King Baum, Chappe, Peterman, Cosette, Ivankov, Gyatz, Kohza, Sheepshead, Inazuma, Crocodile, Sharinguru, Ohm, Rayleigh, Zunesha, Saint Charloss, Hatchan, Peeply Lulu, Foxy, Heracles(n), Blackbeard, Zoro, Slim Risky Brother, Viper, Shin Detamaruka, Ikaros Much, Dellinger, Maujii, Itomimizu, Orlumbus, Admiral Maynard, Gol D. Roger, Jeet, Inuppe, Krieg, Jerry, Kamakiri, Sind, Gomorrah, Nola, Bastille, Piiman, Fossa, Bellamy, MinoKoala, Zoro (again), Richie, Perospero, Tamagon, Bobbin, Drip, Dolce, Cavendish, Otohime, Ichika, Kokoro, Yonka, Dr. Indigo, Curiel, Shiki, Gedatsu, Jinbe, Sodom, Chu, Mr. 13, Cocoa, Pacifista, Hack, Scarlet, Albion, Very Good, Cracker, Minotaurus, Pierre, Shin Jaiya, Wapol, Chabo, Chao, Mounblutain, Ripper, Ippon-Matsu, Dadan, Carrot, Gotti, Yonka Two, Van Augur, Kuro, Jigoro, Genbo, Ginrummy, Sonieh, Boss of the Mountain, Dogra, Tristan, Ninjin, Bourbon Jr., Pappug, Momonosuke, Fukaboshi, Chiffon, McGuy, Minochihuahua, Yarisugi, Lip Doughty, Wanze, Pell, Hogback, Galette, Caribou, Zeus, Kaido, Gyaro, Cotton, Sanka, Unnamed Utan Diver, Professor Clover, Sham, Satori, Shuu, Dice, Arrow, Dosun, Makino, Paulie, Buffalo, Higuma, Fuza, Bellé-Mere, Magra, Minorhinoceros, Ideo, Oars Jr., Wanda, Tegata Ringana, Spartan, Doma, Captain John, Inuarashi, Gaimon, Camel, Dolan, Hakuba, Miss Friday, I blame MS for the cropping, Sherry (a second time!), Stomp, Dalton, Tilestone, Damask, Toto, Trebol, Rabian, Manjaro, Pearl, Patty, Cindry, Opera, Saint Mjosgard, Macro, Miyagi, Fukuro, Lassoo, once again MS cropping, Farafra, Wadatsumi, Ryuubosh, elder Yomo and Luffy!

If that’s too confusing for you, here’s the same list in order of horizontal rows, from left to right:

  • First Row: One of the Gorosei, Ibusu, Coribou, Kyuin, Marimo, Corgi, Epoida, Gloriosa, Saint Jalmack, Blackback, Scotch, Dagama, Diamante, Tyrannosaurus, Haredas, Hikoichi, Randolph, Haruta, Hammond, Chocolat, Nitro, Penguin, Rampo, Yama, Smoothie, Pickles, Buchi, Agyo, Yurikah and Kanjuro.
  • Second Row: Saint Shalulia, Inhel, Kadar, Killer, Kyros, Mr. 11, Pagaya, One of the Gorosei, Kureha, Shakuyaku, Doctor Tsukimi, Tashigi, Barrels, Donovan, Cobra, Homing, Olivia, Robin, Masira, Magellan, Perona, Flapper, One-Poco (Milo), Yorki, Rindo, Den, Mr. 4, Roddy and Elmy
  • Third Row: Nako, Violet, Gyro, Kyros (toy form), One of the Gorosei, Enishida, Oimo, Moriah, Jango, Sachi, Spandam, Tanaka, Decalvan Brothers, Domino, Rosinante, Turco, Baccarat, Robin (again), Bizarre, Braham, Sandersonia, Shyarly, Mousse, Yosaku, Brûlée, Kid, Blamenco, Beckman and Russian.
  • Fourth Row: One of the Gorosei, Wicca, Cabaji, Pudding, Galdino (Mr.3), Nami, Kentauros, Shu, Jack, Strawberry, Tamago, Jango, Tom, Tonjit, Nora Gitsune, Neptune, Hajrudin, Bartolomeo, Vista, Praline, Hancock, Run, Megalo, Raise Max, Leo, Aphelandra, Miss Father’s Day, Ichiji and Octopako.
  • Fifth Row: Ankoro, Vito, Kabu, Dorry, Caesar, Nami (again), Daz Bones (Mr. 1), Unnamed Shandia Chief, Jean Ango, Choper, Bentham (Mr. 2 Bon Clay), Lamy, Buggy, Vivi, Nero, Saulo, Doflamingo, Linlin, Hody, Marigold, McKinley, Meadows, Lao G, Rebecca, Absalom, Mukasshimi Tower, Moscato and Brannew.
  • Sixth Row: Mr. 9, Ucy, Gaburu, Kin’emon, Konbu, Mr. 5, Onigumo, Unnamed Bounty Hunter, Jozu, Shanks, Chopper (again), Daisy, Law, Nojiko, Scissors, Banchina, Hiluluk, Franky, Eyelashes, Mohji, Laki, Judge, Aremo Ganmi, Yasopp, Hoe and Bariete.
  • Seventh Row: Robson, Woop Slap, Bege, Kuzan, Sarfunkel, Mr. 7, Kashi, Comil, John Giant, Bonney, Splash, Tararan, Smooge, Merry, Kuma, Vander Decken IX, Hina, Franky (again), I think that guy from gold but honestly the movie was so forgettable and non-canon I can’t be bothered, Moda, Unnamed Pirate Captain, Lola, One of the Isshi-100, Yamakaji, Namur and Pudding-Pudding.
  • Eight Row: Arlong, Vergo, more non-canon trash, Gladius, Sai, T-Bone, Cowboy, Hotori/Kotori, Sweet Pea, Jean Bart, Splatter, Daruma, Duval ;), One of the Isshi-100, Hannyabal, Napoleon, Blue Gilly, Holy, Machvise, Moh-moo, Lucci, Rolling Logan, Kaku, Yokozuma (this was a tough one!), Rockstar and Mont D’Or.
  • Ninth Row: Uzu, Iceburg, Raizo, Grabar, Sunny, Aisa, Devon, Coby (he looks pretty derpy here), Squard, Sugar, Smiley, Doberman, Delacuaji, Hamburg, Hyouzou, Bluejam, Rouge, Mummy, Kiwi, Lacroix, Roshio, Kappa, Lucky Roo, Pound and Saldeath.
  • Tenth Row: Islewan, Minister of the Right, Kaya, Kuurobi, Sakazuki, Ain, The Galant Hippo, Senor Pink, Cherry, Chouchou, Smoker, Taroimo, Ace, Tesoro, Fen Bock, Cricket, Terracotta, Marco, Mocha, Surume, Saint Roswald, Gaburu’s Grandma, Anglais, Doberman and Andre.
  • Eleventh Row: Acilia, Usopp, Crocus, Minister of the Left, Atmos, Capote, Kong, Sicilian, Shura, Suleiman, Tank Lepanto, Titi, Hildon, Fullbody, Hotori/Kotori, Mansherry, Motobaro, Lafitte, Rock, Kalifa, Kumadori, Nika and Gonbe.
  • Twelfth Row: Sengoku’s pet gorilla, Usopp (again), Carue, Sadie, Pisarro, Calgara, Attach, Spandine, Mihawk, Zephyr, Tansui, Blenheim, Bobby Funk, Manboshi, Monet, Helmeppo, Laboon, Kiev, Époni, Nezumi and Biyo.
  • Thirteenth Row: Abdullah, Uhoricia, Carne, Keimi, Sabo, Amazon, Carina, Sarquiss, Speed Jiru, Don Chinjao, Chess, Pandaman, “Princess”, Broggy, Binz, Borsalino (Kizaru), Miss Goldenweek, Momonga, Ran, Brook, Niji, Anana and Karma.
  • Fourteenth Row: Aladine, Urouge :D, Gan Fall, Kelly Funk, Nantokanette, Amadob, Oars, Reiju, Scarlet, Shoujou, Seto, Chimney, Bian, Farul, Blondie, Porchemy, Paula (Miss DoubleFinger, The Forest Boss, Ramba, Brook (again), Rakuyo, Apoo and Thatch.
  • Fifteenth Row: Ally, Esta, Gancho, Gen, Alvida, Izo, Gin #gincomingbackbois, Salome, Spacey, Jora, Zeo, Fisher Tiger, Funkfreed, Pekoms, Porche, Bakkin, Garp, Drake, Miss Merry Christmas, Jabra, A.O., Chesskippa and Gloriosa (a second time!).
  • Sixteenth Row: One of the Gorosei, Whitebeard, Gambia, Koala, Burgess, Isshily, Kingdew, Zambai, Spoil, Johnny, Zeff, Issho (Fujitora), Stelly, Pica, Pedro, Whitey Bay, Miss Valentine, Dragon, Rika, Ryôma, Yonji, Amande, Tsuru and Kop.
  • Seventeenth Row: One of the Isshi-100, Weevil, Mozu, Koshirou, Sanji, Kuina, Sanjuan Wolf, Scotch, Shirahoshi, Sengoku, Jackal, Boo, Baby 5, Bomba, Hawkins, Monjil, Riku Dold III, Ronse, Schollzo, Demaro Black, Pez and Tamanegi.
  • Eighteenth Row: Igaram, Elizabello II, Gimlett, Conis, Sanji (again), Kumashi, Gina, Enel, Shilliew, Sentomaru, Brownbeard, Vasco Shot, Noland, Boodle, Bepo, Margaret, Miss Monday, Monda, Fat Risky Brother, Wany, Nekomamushi, King Baum, Chappe and Peterman.
  • Nineteenth Row: Cosette, Ivankov, Gyatz, Kohza, Sheepshead, Inazuma, Crocodile, Sharinguru, Ohm, Rayleigh, Zunesha, Saint Charloss, Hatchan, Peeply Lulu, Foxy, Heracles(n), Blackbeard, Zoro, Slim Risky Brother, Viper, Shin Detamaruka, Ikaros Much, Dellinger and Maujii.
  • Twentieth Row (someone please kill me): Itomimizu, Orlumbus, Admiral Manyard, Gol D. Roger, Jeet, Inuppe, Krieg, Jerry, Kamakiri, Sind, Gomorrah, Nola, Bastille, Piiman, Fossa, Bellamy, MinoKoala, Zoro (again), Richie, Perospero, Tamagon, Bobbin, Drip and Dolce.
  • Twenty-first Row: Cavendish, Otohime, Ichika, Kokoro, Yonka, Dr. Indigo, Curiel, Shiki, Gedatsu, Jinbe, Sodom, Chu, Mr. 13, Cocoa, Pacifista, Hack, Scarlet, Albion, Very Good, Cracker, Minotaurus, Pierre, Shin Jaiya, Wapol, Chabo, Chao, Mounblutain and Ripper.
  • Twenty-second Row: Ippon-Matsu, Dadan, Carrot, Gotti, Yonka Two, Van Augur, Kuro, Jigoro, Genbo, Ginrummy, Sonieh, Boss of the Mountain, Dogra, Tristan, Ninjin, Bourbon Jr., Pappug, Momonosuke, Fukaboshi, Chiffon, McGuy, Minochihuahua, Yarisugi, Lip Doughty, Wanze, Pell, Hogback, Galette and Caribou.
  • Twenty-third Row: Zeus, Kaido, Gyaro, Cotton, Sanka, Unnamed Utan Diver, Professor Clover, Sham, Satori, Shuu, Dice, Arrow, Dosun, Makino, Paulie, Buffalo, Higuma, Fuza, Bellé-Mere, Magra, Minorhinoceros, Ideo, Oars Jr., Wanda, Tegata Ringana, Spartan, Doma and Captain John.
  • Twenty-fifth Row (finally!!!! ;_;): Inuarashi, Gaimon, Camel, Dolan, Hakuba, Miss Friday, I blame MS for the cropping, Sherry (a second time!), Stomp, Dalton, Tilestone, Damask, Toto, Trebol, Rabian, Manjaro, Pearl, Patty, Cindry, Opera, Saint Mjosgard, Macro, Miyagi, Fukuro, Lassoo, once again MS cropping, Farafra, Wadatsumi, Ryuuboshi and elder Yomo.

Fun fact: These are not all named characters in One Piece. There’s actually a few that are still missing from the list. Also, Gloriosa appears twice, as well as Sherry.

Edit: I think I’ll be skipping this week’s chapter secrets, for two reasons: for one, my brain is completely destroyed. For two, there really aren’t many secrets in this chapter, as almost everything is explained clearly or laid out in a very obvious manner. So I’ll go have a rest now, see you next week!


  1. For some reason I almost immediately noticed Gloriosa was in there twice. Maybe cause she was on the borders both times? Either way, good work! I’m not sure what this accomplished, but I’m happy to see it done! Enjoy the rest of the week!

    As far as secrets though, the only one I’ve noticed is that Brook can be seen jumping away from the collapsing cake in his Luffy Costume in the big panel on Page 3. Everything else, like you said is pretty straight forward. I did notice though that one of the Mirrors on the first panel of Page 6 had an actual illustration in it though. Instead of just the wavy mirror lines. I can’t quite tell what’s in it, I think it’s either a Pillar, or some stairs leading to a doorway. Either way it doesn’t seem important though, so not really worth analyzing.


  2. You can still do this chapter’s secret next week, as there will be no new chapter due to Golden Week.

    Great job in nong the characters though!


  3. Few notes I have and mistakes I found:

    Fifth row: It starts after Nami’s picture. the start is: Ankoro, Vito, Kabu, Dorry, and Caesar Clown.
    Seventh row: After Merry, it say Kuma but it is PX-4.
    Fourteenth row: Zeus is behind Luffy’s jacket. It should be listed between chimney and Bian.
    Eighteenth row: Doc Q is behind Luffy’s pants. He should be listed between Brownbeard and Vasco Shot.
    Twentieth row: Is it confirmed that the last one is dolce and not his brother?
    Twenty-Fourth row: After Miss Friday, it is Going Merry’s Klabautermann


    • First row:
      It say “Epoxy” instead of Epoida.
      It say “Diamond” instead of Diamante.
      The order written is “Rampo, Yama, Smoothie, Pickles” but it is Pickles, Yama,
      Smoothie, Rampo (Rampo and Yama are switched).
      Second row:
      It say “Laughing” but it is Rindo.
      Third row:
      It say “Turkish” but it is Turco.
      Fourth row:
      It say Jango but it is Disco.
      Vista is missing. He should be listed between Bartolomeo and Praline.
      Fifth row: (in addition to the above)
      It say “Saulo” instead of Saul.
      Seventh row: (in addition to the above)
      It say “Beige” instead of Bege.
      Mad Treasure is missing. He should be listed after Franky and before Lola.
      Seventh row: (correction)
      A Pacifista is listed on the twenty-first row. However, I can’t figure out which is
      Eighth row:
      Instead of “non-canon trash” it should be Saint Camael.
      It say “Record” instead of Grabar.
      Ninth row:
      It say Doberman but it is Dalmatian.
      Tenth row:
      It say “Lord Pink” instead of Senor Pink.
      It say Cherry but it is Stronger.
      It say “Treasure” instead of Tesoro.
      Twelfth row:
      Avalo Pizarro is missing. He should be listed between Sadie and Calgara.
      Big Pan is missing. He is behind Luffy’s elbow. He should be listed between
      Tansui and Blenheim.
      Thirteenth row:
      Carne is missing. He should be listed between Uhoricia and Keimi.
      (I believe it is an Utan Diver between Princess and Brogy. I do not have any
      concrete prove but the coloring is highly similar to the one in the twenty-third
      Fourteenth row: (in addition to the above)
      Ramba is missing. He should be listed between Forest Boss and Brook.
      Fifteenth row:
      It say “Hook, Gen” but those are Esta, Gancho, and Genzo.
      A.O is missing. he should be listed between Jabra and Chesskippa.
      Seventeenth row:
      Bomba is missing. He should be listed between Baby 5 and Hawkins.
      Twenty-second row:
      Carrot is missing. She should be listed between Dadan and Gotti.
      Twenty-third row:
      It say Zeus but it is Prometheus.
      Magra is missing. He should be listed between Bell-mère and Minorhinoceros.


    • It’s nice to know a fellow “librarian”. Great work.
      I also made a lot of notes in my reddit comment: . My additions and fixing are based what I saw in the reddit post. Check it out if you can.
      On the other hand, I think it’s Kuma instead of PX-4 because of his condition right after the timeskip.
      Lastly, thank you for solving 1 of 11 missing characters that confuse me or make me stuck. Kudos!!


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