Vivre Card Databook – Vol. 10 (all the new information!)

In this month’s Vivre Card packs we get a lot of new information on the Grand Fleet members and the former CP9 members! Let’s have a look!

Vivre Card Databook 10-1Vivre Card Databook 10-2Vivre Card Databook 10-3Vivre Card Databook 10-4Vivre Card Databook 10-5Vivre Card Databook 10-6Vivre Card Databook 10-7Vivre Card Databook 10-8Vivre Card Databook 10-9Vivre Card Databook 10-10Vivre Card Databook 10-11Vivre Card Databook 10-12Vivre Card Databook 10-13Vivre Card Databook 10-14Vivre Card Databook 10-15




    • Rather an astute observation, also what are the chances that Kaku is related to usopp from his mother’s side banshina i mean his origin and nose nahhh, i am telling you i won’t be surprised if the lot of them hail from “hananagazoku” lol , and as always thanks Artur-dono!


  1. Keep up the good work!

    Here’s what I’m wondering; if Sai’s bounty is 210 million, then how was it possible for him to go to the Reverie as a bodyguard for Kano’s ruler? A place full of Marines and WG officials.


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